My dear D,
Today I don't know what I should write. As I sit down to jot my thoughts, I stare at your page blankly. I feel like holding this moment forever, a state of total blankness-a state when thoughts bother you least, when nothing absolutely matters to you--you enjoy this bliss in a state of foreverness. But then arrows of impermanence find their way into that state and you are again drawn back to reality.
Quite early enough I found myself enjoying this blankness. While I would sit down to study in front of the window, I stared at that pink flower, its olive-green leaf, eaten from the edges by an insect. I don't remember the name of the flower, several summers have passed since then. Sometimes, a bee would come and nestle there. A passer-by, holding a plastic net bag would hurry for the fish market. Sounds of crying would travel from the neighboring house where a schoolboy was admonished for not preparing for exams...I would sit still, with my chemistry book gaping at me, almost pleading me to read a page or two.
Once, I was standing at the bus stop with my family. After some time, I heard a voice, probably calling out my name. I turned back and found my mother waving at me, calling out at the top of her voice. It took me some time to register that the bus had come. I didn't notice. I was looking at a man carrying two large tins of water on his shoulder. I was perhaps lost navigating his footsteps as they curved to alternate sides. Such a weird task I was involved in!
In another instance, I went to the largest museum, located in Hyderabad, with my cousins. It was huge and numerous artifacts from earlier times adorned the glass cubicles. I was so engrossed in their intricate works in a state of absolute wonder that when I looked around, no one from my family was visible nearby. I somehow ran, looking for them.
It was reality escaping me or the other way round, I don't know. But with time and age, this innocent and dream-like existence found its way out...the childlike mind gave way to adult realism...Still, at times, it tries to peep out from nowhere, reminding you of the person you were...
Taking your leave for today.
"the insect still eats the leaf
the man still cycles to the market
the museum still stands there
the bus stop still awaits
only the child is lost
somewhere in the jungle..."
By Nandini Sengupta
So beautifully written. Words are just pouring out of your mind like a waterfall. Keep them flowing. This was so impactful that the feelings remained with me for some time when I was walking quietly in nature or just enjoying my own company. The first time I read it, I was unable to post a comment. This time I read it again and I want to read more. Keep writing dear! 🤗
Thoughts, thoughts, so many thoughts, it drives you made sometimes. And yet, there are times when there's not a thought behind these eyes, when we are lost in our surroundings. A feeling I know too well, every time I took my cycle out for a ride, and as the gentle breeze caressed my face and ruffled my hair, it was in those moments that I felt the divine silence. The diary entry transports us to a time in the narrator's childhood. When she was old enough to comprehend and make sense of the unearthly detachment she often felt at times. Especially, during tedious tasks, like reading from a chemistry book. How the vagueries of everyday life peered through her small…
I know u r intelligent ma'am but this just on another level 👍👌😯🙌🙌💜